For more than two years ago i started writing on a new book about marketing. The idea was to gather the best practices af all digital marketing in one place. And as you might have guess i failed. But in the process i first meet Jonathan Winch, a great marketer.. which pretty much had the same idea. We joind forces, and during the research process we interviews some of the brightest new media marketeers in Denmark. during this face it became clear to us that the world did not need another book. It needed a marketing revolution. And the best and the brightens was going to lead that revolution...
...and now after one year the Industry movement is a reality.
Which i think is a much better result than a book. But judge for yourself. ;-) check out
Posted by: Fodboldstøvler adidas Predator | August 15, 2012 at 05:09 AM
Posted by: Fodboldstøvler adidas Predator | September 06, 2012 at 05:11 AM